Content + Data + Technology = Performance

Content, content, content - it’s the hot word in today’s marketing world. Not just the marketing world, the world-world. It’s why we’re always stuck on our smartphones.

But to be effective, content needs to be backed by nuggets of wisdom (data and tech) that draw people in like moths to a flame – or, in your case, attract and convert buyers.

 We consult and create content that does just that.


Challenges we help solve:

  • You see the value in content marketing but lack the resources internally to produce high-quality content consistently

  • You’re unsure how to connect content, data & tech to automate and personalise your content programs.

  • Got enough product speeds & feeds but lacking true ‘thought leadership’?

  • Think your content is working, but need to prove it?


How a digital-first approach doubled leads for a retirement village operator

Read our case study to discover how we helped retirement communities gain attention & leads through a digital first approach to marketing.

There are two types of content marketing in the world:

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Content that’s

Content that’s helpful, that people care about, it solves a problem, offers comparison, demonstrates best practice, explains pricing or is simply entertaining.

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Real ‘Thought Leadership’

Combines data, insights and subject-matter expertise to deliver a point-of-view that creates change.


How we drive content performance?

Performance is driven through a continuous loop.


Interactive content

Whilst it’s crazy to think that 48 million people have completed a Buzzfeed quiz about their hometown (ok, take the quiz and come back!), it’s the #1 way global tech giants like Microsoft & Samsung generate leads from SMB & mid-market buyers*. Ponder that for a minute.

  • Surveys/polls

  • Quizzes

  • Microsites

  • Tools/calculators

  • Interactive infographics/ebooks




Move beyond the [insert first name] to content that’s more meaningful to people, content that utilises the power of behavioural & intent based marketing.

  • Marketing automation / email marketing

  • Dynamic content

  • Behavioural, Intent

  • List / data segmentation

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Emails that employ personalisation generate 5.7x revenue
Source: Campaign Monitor

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Original research

The OG of thought leadership, content informed by data that fills a void in your niche. We’ll help you find the topic that’s frequently asserted, yet rarely supported.

  • Online surveys

  • Annual / ‘state-of’ report

  • Aggregate Research & insights

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87% of B2B decisions makers agree - good thought leadership increases trust in an organisation
Source: Edelman & Linkedin, 2019

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Expert writers

Our experienced writers provide original analysis and strong point-of-view, driving a stake through your buyers’ hearts & minds.

  • Expert articles

  • Infographics

  • eBooks, Whitepapers

  • Ghostwriting

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Our writers ….

Average 15+ years experience

Top Tech Publications:


Fortune 500 Brands:

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Give buyers what THEY want. Make a connection through video that’s all about your customers (not you)

  • Case studies

  • Explainer videos

  • Product demos

  • Social videos: Linkedin, Youtube, Facebook

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80% of buyers will spend up to 20 minutes watching video content
Source: DemandGenReport, 2019

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Get in touch

Let’s find out how we can work together